The impact of citizen science on society, governance, the economy, the environment and science | Earthwatch | | |
Participatory, adaptive, personalised, information-delivery web platform, period-2 prototype (P2P) | GeoEcoMar | | |
Multimedia resources and policy briefs presenting general and region-specific recommendations | Earthwatch | | |
Update to plan for the exploitation and dissemination of the results (PEDR) | Earthwatch | | |
Comprehensive evaluation report | RRC | | |
Citizen-science model for impact-evaluation research | AAWA | Aug 2021 | |
A finalised version of the conceptual framework | IHE Delft | | |
Guidance for co-design of citizen science activities in the MICS case-study sites | IHE Delft | | |
Recommendations about the assessment of the impact of citizen science | IHE Delft | | |
Toolbox for citizen science research: accompanying documentation report | Earthwatch | Dec 2020 | |
Report on pilot testing in the Southern Europe region (IT) | AAWA | Dec 2020 | |
Report on pilot testing in the Western Europe region (UK) | RRC | Dec 2020 | |
Report on pilot testing in the Central and Eastern Europe region (RO) | GeoEcoMar | Dec 2020 | |
Report on pilot testing in the Central and Eastern Europe region (HU) | Geonardo | Dec 2020 | |
NBS science briefs | RRC | Dec 2020 | |
Relevant themes assigned to curators | GeoEcoMar | Dec 2020 | |
Participatory adaptive, personalised information-delivery web platform, period - 1 prototype (P1P) | GeoEcoMar | Jun 2020 | |
Impact-assessment methods adapted to citizen science | IHE Delft | Jun 2020 | |
MICS corpus of knowledge | IHE Delft | | |
Report detailing impact-assessment methods adapted to citizen science | IHE Delft | | |
A multilingual ontology | Earthwatch | Feb 2020 | |
The MICS repository | Earthwatch | Dec 2019 | |
Ethics requirements: Protection of personal data | Earthwatch | | |
Open, peer reviewed report on NBS science | Geonardo | | |
Report on the technical requirements | Earthwatch | | |
Strategic plan for the exploitation and dissemination of the results (PEDR) | Earthwatch | | |
Ethics requirements: Participant informed-consent procedures | Earthwatch | | |
Project website | Earthwatch | | |
Report about identified research results ready for review | Geonardo | | |
Quarterly newsletters, social media posts and updates | AAWA | | |
Project factsheet | Earthwatch | | |
Project Management Handbook | Earthwatch | | |
Project Scoreboard and progress indicators | Earthwatch | | |