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WP2: Methods for measuring citizen science impact

led by IHE Delft
  • To adapt and/or define impact-assessment indicators related to citizen science to be implemented in the toolbox and used in the piloting activities.
  • To create a criteria catalogue for determining citizen-science impacts and their relevance for NBSs.
  • To create a list of keywords in different languages relevant to NBS science.
  • To develop a conceptual framework based on the above-mentioned criteria.
  • To update the conceptual framework based on citizens’ contributions and add new findings to the established criteria catalogues.
  • To transform the collected impact-data into a consolidated corpus of knowledge.
  • To set up the project knowledge base.

WP3: Toolboxes for methods application, information visualisation and delivery to decision makers, citizens, and researchers

led by GeoEcoMar
  • To define specifications for a toolbox of metrics and instruments to measure costs and benefits of citizen science in relation to the science of NBSs, based on the methods developed in WP2.
  • To adapt and develop tools and technologies for measuring the impact of citizen science in a NBS context based on WP2.
  • To adapt and develop tools and technologies for peer reviewing.
  • To demonstrate a new conceptual learning model for integrating NBS science and citizen science across Europe.
  • To develop the MICS platform on which the toolbox will run.
  • To adapt and develop technologies for mapping and visualisation related to the toolbox.
  • To develop and prototype the MICS platform front-end, including data visualisation and interactive functionalities, as well as web applications.
  • To deliver the complete integrated solution, including components developed in WP2 (e.g. D2.4 “MICS corpus of knowledge”), into one single system that can be accessed by end-users.

WP4: Test-site development and tool validation

led by RRC
  • To design, develop and organise pilot testing of project tools at four test and validation sites composing the pilot.
  • To evaluate the pilot with respect to citizen science, and in the context of nature-based solutions.
  • To create a citizen-science model for NBS research.
  • To demonstrate/validate the usability of the consolidated corpus of knowledge for the expert community dealing with research and innovation, policy, implementation and education in NBSs.
  • To support the organisation of laboratories of ideas by local committees to discuss the results of the research.

WP5: Dissemination and outreach

led by Earthwatch
  • To create opportunities to improve NBSs science.
  • To improve the citizen-experiential-engagement process.
  • To inform the future users of the results and findings of the project, and of how they can be effectively used and by whom.
  • To inform a broad community of relevant stakeholders on the progress and results of the project and to embed MICS research results and the consortium into European-research and civil-society networks.
  • To explain concepts of citizen science to a broad community of stakeholders and to share knowledge on relevant adaptation and development tools.
  • To engage the community of stakeholders in the evaluation of citizen science.
  • To build and share knowledge regarding citizen science within the consortium.
  • To produce a set of policy recommendations for citizen science.
  • To produce a set of policy recommendations for NBSs.
  • To publish the outputs.